What. A. Week. The week so far (and I may not post again this…

Heya. There is nothing like a week off to get you working is…

Last weekend was so fantastically fun that it beggers belief…

Dark Light

What. A. Week.

The week so far (and I may not post again this week, for reasons soon to be apparent):

The Beginning. After a week of doing nothing, I now have to face up to the fact that I have missed Four Weeks of SQL tutorials, and Two weeks of lectures. I haven’t touched Oracle (The program I learn SQL on) in four weeks. I’ve forgotten my username and password for it, and I am, basically, screwed.

Except, maybe not. It’s an Open Book test, so I can scrape by with a passmark, just, if I can learn as I go along.

I walked out of the test an hour and a half later, with a 100% mark. Go Me!

After that I went out with the Drama Soc to a nightclub. Good Day 🙂

Tueday could have started better. After a decision not to go to the first lecture, on the basis that we were sleepy enough already and Object Development could push us over the edge. We later discovered that there was a change of location for the *next* lesson, directly after, in that one. So we missed two lectures for the price of one.

After Uni I went home, IRC’d for a while, managed to burn bits of my dinner, whilst the others remained stone cold, and went to a Scifi Meeting.

One Member turned up. And they won’t let me resign

But, to end the day on a plus note. we won the Pub Quiz!

It’s only 10:30, and already my day is fantastic. I. Have. Been. PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!

Sorry, overreaction there, but the Robert Rankin Fanzine, The Brentford Mercury Published my short story! Yes!

The story itself is in the Creative section (It’s the one at the end, with the unpronouncable name). *sigh*, and on top of that, I got a cheque from Amazon.co.uk, for refferal fees.

Tonight is the Drama Soc Pub Crawl

Lectures, then I go to Scotland for an Alt.Fan.Eddings meet (Details on past meets are here). Where I will be until Sunday.
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