A traditional post – Geekcode 2016
A tradition doesn’t stop being a tradition just because it’s lost all relevance to the modern age. That’s…
25 Things
People keep asking me to do the 25 things meme. Or Tagging me, or something. Since Linus Torvolds…
Books for Bricks
And so it came to pass that a friend of mine’s house is falling down And thus it…
Hi there
Merry Birthday, Happy New President, Seasons 2009ings. Etc. One of my resolutions was to get this updated more,…
Go, browncoats, go
Paul and Storm – who used to be half of Da Vinci’s Notebook, and were awesome when I…
If you’re still reading this, Merry Christmas. Maybe next year it’ll get content again.
Left 4 Dead
I now own Left 4 Dead. It appears quite good, but I would like to play with people…
Trutap Goes Away
(Viewers are reminded that the following article does not represent the views of anybody else at all by…
Yesterday (I rule at this Daily Update thing) was the birthday of Benoît Mandelbrot, creator of the Mandelbrot…
Open Sesame
The Open Rights group founding was interesting. At a talk just over a couple of years ago, organised…