Dark Light

A tradition doesn’t stop being a tradition just because it’s lost all relevance to the modern age. That’s what Christmas is all about!

And one I’ve got is that every couple of years I update my Geek Code. The Geek Code is an old and established tradition, a one line incomprehensible block of symbols that represents your opinions and state on many geek things that mattered in 1995 when it was last updated. As such, it’s missed an awful lot of pop-culture advancement, including the bit where the inclusive nature of geek culture took over the world, and then the toxic nature of it burned some of it down. There’s probably a better article about that, somewhere. Anyway, here on the first day of 2016, the traditional geek code block:

Version: 3.1
GCM$ d s+:+> a C+++(++++)$ ULS++++$ P- L++++$ E- W+++$@ N o+ K w+$ O- M+ V- PS++ PE-(--) Y++(+++)$ PGP+() t 5+ X R++* tv+ b+>++ DI---(++) D++ G++ e+ h--- r++ z? 

The rules:

  • Done with the most recent 3.1 release of the Geek Code
  • Phrasings are as I understand them as I take the quiz, and formatted according to my whim.
  • I don’t look at previous geek codes before taking the test again.

All the geekcodes, 1998 -> 2016 are here


  • It kind of amuses me how I reinterpret the “Dress” section every time, given that my general style hasn’t changed much.
  • My confidence in Computing & Unix varies over time.
  • That you can track down my addiction to Usenet as you can track up the things with “gets paid for this” ($) signifiers amuses me.
  • Watch my opinion of Dilbert do a ski-course impression, as the writer asserts his opinions more.
  • You can basically track my entire relationship history though the (r) column on this graph.
  • I care a lot about security now I’m being paid to.

In the beforetimes:

I’m going to try to resume the weekly posts thing. We’ll see how that goes.


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