Dark Light

Okay, I’m now going to abandon you for the snowy wastes of Wales.

Well, this isn’t strictly true, I suppose. I’m now going to London, where I will be a ruthiminicloggietypemeetthing, then on to Wales the next day. Which is Nice.

But fret not, yea of little entertainment. Stuff will magically appear and disappear on the site over the next few days, NSD will update daily monday though friday, and there are whole reams of other sites to visit while I’m gone 🙂

A minor update on the whole present debarcle, the entire package is currently sitting in The Forge security office in Sunderland. Unfortunatly the Sunderland switchboard is closed for the holidays. Merry Christmas, it says.


Anyway, so It’s out of reach for a little while, so I’m going to have to feel guilty when I get the present from Lonecat.

I *still* think she’s got me the same thing I got her, but just don’t ask me how…

Anyway, I’ll take this opertunity to wish all of you, insane people that you are for reading this pile of trash, a fantasic 2002 and hope you all have a fun New Year’s Eve.

Also, send your sympathies and good wishes to hippo, who has been in hospital over christmas, after breaking his kneecap at a meet. If you get to read this hippo, *hugs*, and I hope to see you soon. Kay? AFP would be a much sadder place without you.

And so now I’d better leave you so I can catch my train. TTFN, world, and a Happy New Year to you all.

–Nicholas ‘Aquarion’ Avenell

later: I was right, we both got each other Neil Gaiman graphic novels, Death 🙂

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