Nicked from Nattie who always has interesting surveys.
It is always a pleasure to hear from ….. Anyone. Leave comments 😛
The weather this month has been ….. Cold but refreshing.
I am hoping that ….. I can get work, and get to Bath for the meet
Right now I am listening to ….. (See box to the right. Currently Fraggle Rock)
I wish, intensely, that I had some ….. Money
There is something extraordinarily fascinating about ….. Crashing peoples minds
I recently found ….. A cd I thought I’d lost
I have been wishing for ….. Happiness.
When I’m in New York, I’ll ….. Go see Sam
I need not tell you how much I enjoy ….. Coding new bits of Aquarionics
I love to sit on ….. Chairs.
As you know, I make a great ado about ….. Being bored but not doing anything about it
It makes me extremely proud to ….. Have a pet lonecat
I have been trying to get together ….. Myself
In my opinion, most people are ….. Interesting
I am wholly in favor of ….. Fun.
How fortunate I am to ….. be alive
I am somewhat lazy about ….. finding a job
The last weird thing I ate was ….. A Rasberry and Cracked pepper boiled sweet
Today I am hoping to ….. Write an episode of the Panto, phone to get my phone fixed, Get my hair cut
Right now, I am feeling ….. like it’s quarter to 8 (pm) and I didn’t do any of those things
One of the first things I do when I wake up is ….. Fetch email. Yes, I’m sad.
I shall be much interested in ….. What happens in a week or so’s time.
Every now and then, I think of ….. the past.
Right now, I am hearing ….. The fan, and Armand Van Helden, Essential mix live@ Homelands. Eww. *click* Aha, Billy Joel, We Didn’t Start The Fire
Tomorrow I am going to ….. Do Stuff
The one thing I could not live without is ….. People.
What I’d really love this Christmas is ….. Be in Cambridge.
With best wishes, I am ….. Leaving you. ’till next time…