PersonalFreak Moronity Storm. User Not Found ssh -C [email protected] [email protected]'s password: [aquarion aquarion]$ mysql -p klind Enter password: Reading table information… aquarion2002-05-28
computing linux PersonalWeek 17 – There are lights in the ground, where the lights in the sky have fallen Busy fortnight. I’ve got a new address. Istic.Networks ltd has a new trading address, since we’ve joined the… aquarion2015-06-09
aqcom food PersonalRavioli Epiphany So, today I made ravioli. In fact, I made roast butternut squash ravioli. Hand made the ravioli, prepared… aquarion2005-01-09
PersonalLast weekend was so fantastically fun that it beggers belief… Last weekend was so fantastically fun that it beggers belief how totally fun it was. Fun enough for… aquarion2000-11-07