aqcom PersonalLife, The Universe and Everything So, an explaination for the last few days, then. You may note that the last personal-type entry I… aquarion2003-12-18
aqcom UniversityHey ho. Daily update resolution still active Hey ho. Daily update resolution still active 🙂 Greetings earthlings! No, I havn’t been drinking. Yet I havespent… aquarion2000-04-11
aqcomMomentary Pause Pol (The person who hosts the box that Aquarionics, Afphrid, and Affordable Hamsters live on) is transfering World… aquarion2003-03-03
aqcomA New Hope I’ve redesigned. It’s Stuart’s fault. IE doesn’t like it much (I’m using semi-transparent pngs and an Evil Hack()… aquarion2003-04-21