How to read this website
Start at the top, go to the bottom, end. You can do this on www.aquarionics.com, the 15 year…
Small Content Providers in the age of Facebook
We have been fucked by the federation and syndication of our content. I miss comment threads, and I…
Magic Trees, Level II
A while ago, I invented a concept of “Magic Trees”, named after the story of a vicar who…
The RSS Problem
“All those icons” says Dave , “Where will it end?” He then goes on to describe a system…
Ping? Comments are now fixed
I don't care much
How your weblog will be discovered Promoting your blog This is wrong on oh so many levels And…
Subscribing to LJ RSS friends only feeds
Every LiveJournal publishes an RSS feed and an Atom feed, except those who are already syndicated accounts. The…
Okay, I *am* actually employed. Heisenburg state is over. I’m back at BrowserAngel. One day I hope to…
Formula One Diary
Interestingly, David Coulthard’s website is keeping a race diary blogish type thing, with their point of view on…
Movable Typecasting
So, that’s the end of Movable Type, then. It’s a shame to see it fold quite this early…