Er, yeah. I did have an entry here, and it was carefully constructed and humourous and contained references to Eddie Izzard and Shakespeare and stuff and was to lead up to an important insight into the human condition and how it relates to my new bed.
But I closed the browser window while before I hit save, so it’s Etherized. Sorry.
So, Friday went out with company, drank beer, ate curry, more beer, debated interface design and moving house, listened to coworker singing, home, discovered that missing LARP was a bad decision, collapse for a bit, awake, then bus to Cambridge, LARP linear, back to pub, drank cider, kidnapped, taken to nice party, talked, geeked, drank wine, back to Cambridge, bus to Bedford, stagger to Fortress One, collapse.
As a result I’ve spent Sunday catching up on sleep, watching movies and playing Neverwinter nights.
This has been a good weekend. Thanks to all people who have helped make it so, and happy birthday Stephen 🙂