Dark Light

So, in the past few days I have written a couple of things. One is a continuation of an existing story, the other is a start of a brand new story. Both may end up as part of the same story, but one is the beginning of it if it does.

Complicated, this writing lark.

One of these writings, which won’t be online until finished, is about 1248 words, of which 17 are, or contain “fuck”, which is once every 17 words, helped in part by phrases such as “This done, Mr S. T. fuckwit, now known as Saint fuckwit for his services to fuckwittery, has fucked off to fucking Ibiza.” I don’t swear very much, so having a character that does will be fun…

Parents are wandering off to France for a few days, lucky for some :). The temptation to go down to Bath and leave my brothers to look after the dog on their own is slightly overwhelming, but I should really resist…

I have too many projects. I mean, I have Afphrid, Aquarionics, Albatross, TerraI, Life Supportal, TMS-Flash, Cevern, AFPanto, Thinn, Cinderella, Lazyboy, AFPmonopoly, Maskerade, NSD, Quoth, Lucien, MIS,,, and those are only the ones I can think of off the top of my head. On top of those are the ones that are only in planning, the Puzzletower, Geekhouse, Nomical, Forthem, wishlist, biscuit, utf, forevery…

So much to do, so much time, so why aren’t I doing anything?

Oh, I got a kind of “saw this and thought of you” thing from a recruiter, lets see how far this one gets…

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