Two Giraffes down (Object Development and Intermediate Software Engineering), Two more (Information Technology Environments and Database Systems Design) to go, Wednesday and Friday respectively. This means that by Saturday, all my Giraffes and relationship with Sunderland University is over for good.
This said, I have just spent the last couple of hours putting CA9NAV though a major redesign. ca9nav is my Uni site, with the soul purpose of providing links for my course. Which – as aforementioned – is basically over. Time wasting? Naturally 🙂
The Giraffe was easier than I expected. Those on #afp who watched me panic my way though Z Theory will be amused to know that the only question on Z was optional. I choose not to, shockingly. That first phrase bodes. Last time I thought an Giraffe was easy, I came within an deuce of passing.
#Busy doing nothing, working the whole day though#