PersonalInterviews Okay, fact fans, it’s meme time. Currently wandering around most of the LiveJournals I read is an interview… aquarion2003-06-14
PersonalOk, Sorry about this. When my life is boring, I don't have… Ok, Sorry about this. When my life is boring, I don’t have anything to report. When life isn’t,… aquarion2000-09-17
aqcom Computer Games Humour Personal programming web developmentSimplicity So yeah, new year, newish design. It isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. And the new new design… aquarion2006-01-06
PersonalSingalong! From: “Jamie Bates” <> To: <> Subject: Spread the word, I’ve seen weird, but THIS? is a… aquarion2002-10-18