I missed this the first time around.
Did you know that when the West Wing writers were looking for a candidate to base Matt Santos on, they went for a young politician – not even a senator yet?
(From The Guardian, Feb 2008)
This includes some of the speeches:
But it doesn’t end there. The model for Josh Lyman was, apparently, a man I’d never heard of called Rahm Emanuel. Who is apparently the model for Lyman. And he’s been tipped to be Obama’s chief of staff, which is what Lyman ended up as.
Life imitating art.
(Sorry Murky, another false alarm)
Yep, knew that – they writers followed Obama. McCain (pre election, at least) was also a reasonable match for McCain in terms of where he is in the party.
I’m just waiting for Obama to ask McCain to serve as an advisor….
What a great show the West Wing was I always loved coming home to watch the new episodes!