Dark Light

This post is entirely useless.

I mean, you already know that Warren Ellis is writing a free webcomic, issues released every friday, called FreakAngels, don’t you?

And you already know he wrote Transmet, and various other important things like the novel Crooked Little Vein which you should also read if you haven’t.

You know all this, so there is no point in mentioning it.

Is there?

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Age of Ultron

There was a movie. It's... Um. Let's start with this: The following review contains spoilers for Age of Ultron. They start after the following paragraph, which is why you need to click the link to read the rest. Right, so my problem with AoU is that it's a comic book event series. Its purpose is to make people need to go and see it to wrap up the past and understand the future episodes. It's the exact kind of Age Of Secret War On Ultimate Earth cross-francise bullshit that generally kicks me off any super-hero comic series I've started to get into. Suddenly, in order to follow the arc of a character I need to buy twelve comics across nine series, five of which my local shop doesn't carry. The actual plot of the movie doesn't really maintain its own momentum.