Dark Light

So, today we did the barbecue thing.

I’ve never done a barbecue before, and our house has one left over from the previous occupants, so we’ve been meaning to do the barbecue thing since we arrived, and tonight we did so.

After we noticed the barbecue didn’t have a grill and jury rigged one from the oven grill, we were all set.

From the local butcher we bought some absolutely gorgeous burgers, which we ate with mushrooms (Halved and put in tin-foil with a dash of olive oil, thyme, basil & oregano) and baked potatoes (Boiled for a bit first, then again slathered in olive oil and with a dash of oregano, then once again sealed in tin foil) both cooked in the embers. Finishing off with apples with brown sugar and sultanas, again baked in the embers while we grilled the burgers.

Yay tin-foil cookery, it all worked perfectly and was delicious.

So neh 😛

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