Aquaintances now exports a valid OPML file.
This was far more work than it needed to be, because I have been unable to find a reference for a valid OPML file anywhere, OPML files got imported by Dave’s Wonderful New Toy as “0 feeds added”, which is odd, because they were in exactly the same format as Dave’s old Blogroll before he redesigned Grr.
Paul? Does this lower my Winer Scorecard number?
Oh, yeah, the other thing I’ve done today.
Banners are sticky. That is, it seems a shame to lose all these nice banners I spend ages making, so they now stick to the archive. If I can find my archive of all the ones I did last time I did the rotating banner thing, I’ll put those up too, but right now it’s just this weeks and January’s.
And yes, I’ll explain the “Frowny Lightbulb” thing soon. Promise.