Dark Light

So, I went to the UK Blogs meet. It was Fun.

I met lots of new people, some of whom will make it to my blogs list the moment I’m awake enough to do it, more of whom get added to the “Follow” list. I really need a tiered system where there are the blogs I follow religiously (CavLec, ADPB, Orient, LoneCat, etc), Those I follow semi-religiously, and those I catch up on once a week/fortnight/month. New task?

As if I need a new one…

Anyway, I got to London about 5:45, slightly early for a 7pm start, so I wandered slowly down Euston Road from Kings Cross to the Green Man. A couple of days ago I sanded down the back of my ankle on the inside of my boots because my sock had a hole in the precise wrong place, so slowly was the best I could have managed anyway, but meandering down, stopping at Euston station for lunch at Burger King and then wandering down to the Green Man pub, where the meeting was, took an hour, leaving me only fifteen minutes early. I got a drink, and sat down.

At this point, the problems began. I knew nobody at this meet. Despite three years of blogging I’ve never been to one of these meets, and I had no idea how to recognise anyone. At five past, a person looking extremely lost wandered in to the heaving pub, and I thought “Aha, a blogger”, but he wandered out again and my spirits sank. How was I going to recognise anyone? look for people with “I’m a UKBlogs Person!” badges? Hmm, not a bad idea for next time…

The person wandered back, along with another person, and they joined a bigger group of people spread out over the raised area. I took a flying leap to a conclusion, and was introduced to the lost-looking person, who ended up being London Mark, as well as Snowcat and other people whose names (and URLs) escape me. Long conversations about the art and knack of blogging with Snowcat and others (Aha! See my careful avoidence of naming people whose unique identifiers I cannot recall?), as well as a small and contentless conversation on gardening with Mark, Vaughan and the Person­-With­-Camera­-Whose­-Weblog­-Is­-InkSomething­-But­-Whose­-Name­-Escapes­-Me­. (Argh! I hate this names thing) Gerard because talking about weblogs all night would be sad…

All in all, it was great fun. Photos will be up in the morning are up, see the crossreference for links to more photos..

More People I Met:

More later, when I link more names to URLs…

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