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How did it begin?

How does anything? We first met at the Clarecraft Discworld Event 2000, and I first saw Lonecat posing for a photo. I then spent the rest of the weekend calling her Rosemary.

Later that year Lonecat held a meet at Durham ([photo|report]) which I arrived – late – at (Friday was a UFie meet, Saturday the AFP one) so we actually met and spoke, At the New Years party we were both at we kissed at midnight, and I caught the cold she was having problems with…

And so 2001 began, and with it, really, our friendship. Through channel and query we got to know each other better, and soon became friends, discovering we are, in fact, the same person in disguise. And so when Neil Gaiman came to London on a signing tour, it was only natural that we would be there. And since the AFPMovie auditions were going to be the next day, it was logical for us both to crash with Chris overnight. And since Chris was going to a Karaoke bar on Monday night it was even sensible for us to remain in London so we could go too. And LoneCat found a very effective way of stopping me doing Karaoke. She kissed me. And so I kissed her back. And I started to entertain the possibility that this might be able to go slightly further than Good Friends. But it couldn’t, because she had a boyfriend.

We shared a tent at CCDE, and remained oblivious to the scores of people trying to match make us together. And we kissed again, and I stopped again, because she still had a boyfriend. But when Carl and Lonecat split up, we had a discussion. Then a week to think about it. And then, on the 26th August 2001, At Aquarion’s Own Kentmeet, Aquarion and Lonecat gave in to the AFP Dating agency.

And the rest, as they say, is history. Or at least, another article

So now Lonecat is my girlfriend, and I love her lots.


Updated 2005-Feb-27:
LoneCat is no longer my girlfriend. I still love her lots, but she doesn’t love me anymore.

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