Dark Light

In a few minutes time I have to leave for the office, so I can fix the email system, so I can (I hope) get paid, so I can spend some money when I go to Bath, which I do in just under three and a half hours time, and I haven’t written in a while, so I suppose I’d better…

I’ve failed to get anything done, really. I could make the excuse that all this scripting and playing is increasing my value as an employee, but I’d be lying. I need to get something actually *happening*.

Of course, something *is* happening. I’m going to Bath, to see Lonecat, and the Harry Potter Movie (Tickets booked, yay) which is a good thing…

…Okay, I have a duty to this diary to put interesting things in it, and I’ve failed to do so for a while. It will get better, promise, but first I have to get my life moving again….

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