PersonalHappiness I’m happy. Today is a *Good* day. Oh yes. I have, sitting beside me, Terry Pratchett’s Theif of… aquarion2001-04-03
Personalback to normal Okay, Aquarionics Design 2.4.4 is back (2.4.4 is the design with Microsoft’s Smarttags system disabled, until I can… aquarion2001-06-27
Aquarionics Personal Projects storiesWeek Zero, or possibly Week 52 I fell out of the habit of writing in 2016. Well, kind of. My Facebook output skyrocketed, and… aquarion2016-12-31
PersonalNeverwhere The world has died around me. I’m not here, I am but a figment of my own imagination,… aquarion2001-01-13