Dark Light

Oh Hellfire. Forgot to add the Webring links to the new design. Blast.
(I can’t do it now, coz the code is over 300 miles due south of here)
On the plus side, I have now finished all my exams (Woo Hoo!) and now I am just awaiting…


Why am I still sitting in the University computer room?

Is it because I have Assignments? No. Because I don’t.

Is it because I a needed? Nope. Nothing to do, nowhere to go

Which is rather the point really. I have a Sci-Fi exec meeting tonight (My first, I got elected as next years Secretary last week) A National Scifi quiz night to attend on saturday, and after that I go home.

In the meantime I am trying to remember how to touch-type. I took a course in it (both a computer and a book based one, and gave up when I realized that since I could type much faster than I could touchtype. Now my bad typing habits are causing physical pain, So I have decided to learn again.

The net effect of this is that my typing speed is down 90%, and my error ratio is up by a similer amount. nevermind. It’s not as if I’m in a hurry.

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