Audio version of some text from the other place
Stream of Consciousness
So, my new phone has the ability to do text recordings, a feature I was playing with on…
Mockingbird's Wish
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… No, hang on a sec. That’s Star Wars.…
Why it takes me so long to do audio-readingy-type-stuff
Why it takes me so long to record audio-type-readingy-stuff (2.9mb MP3)
I promised Burningbird almost a year ago that I would read her story, “The Mockingbird’s Wish” and publish…
At CCDE, and I will stop going on about this soon, I fucked up on stage. I don’t…
Watch the birdy
Draft One of the Aquarionic Production of Burningbird’s Mockingbird’s Wish (as requested) has been recorded. This is something…
More audiobloggery. Radio Aquarion Random Help-me-I’m-single leach Lemmings! Oh, and I finally got around to blogrolling Cathy, despite…
Watching You
Okay, so the referer tracking stuff is now in, along with an implimentation of Phil’s suggestion of a…
Performance Art
Today is apparently Perfomance Art day in the Neighbourhood. Mike has a whole load of links to people…