Tradition dictates.
It’s been a year. Well, most of one. It’s had its ups and downs, and as is traditional it’s easier to remember the bad bits than the good ones.
I changed jobs, I completed some things I planned on, I’ve advanced on a couple of life plans, and a few things collapsed like an unfortunate soufflé; but mostly this year has been creatively, personally and financially static. A lost year, to some degree.
I experimented with putting original content on Tumblr, which went into the usual back void. Facebook was more successful, but not a lot. I’ve still not managed to find a way to either derive a satisfying response from posting something, nor to cease caring enough when it doesn’t. Most of my Creative has been funnelled into Stark Mockery and Silent Night, or randomly going off on flights of fantasy in other people’s facebook comments.
And another year for not really posting anything on Aquarionics. I think it might be about time to go back to more personal posts, since it’s no longer a focus point of my professional life, and try to get back into the weekly thing. But posting is hard, opinions are hard, and a lot of my current thoughts get lost in the waterfall of crap that is my Tumblr.
I don’t do resolutions, really. But I try to stick to the mantra of not making the same mistake twice.
May 2014 contain more, and better, brand new mistakes.