Dark Light

A few years and five houses ago, I had an idea. It was to be an online game, browser based, where you would own and run a racing car company. There’d be research and development, and aliens, and stuff, and every Saturday night, you and the people in your league would be able to watch in real time as the races happened.

I started it in PHP, badly. I used it as a reason to learn Django a few months later, then converted it to Code Igniter when I was about to start at Doof and needed to learn it in a hurry. Then I changed it to be about Pirates instead of race cars, because I’m not actually very interested in race cars. Then I rewrote it in Plank, which was a PHP framework library I still think should exist. Then again in Rails because frameworks are hard and Ruby seemed useful, then finally in Django again because I actually like Django.

By the PHP version it had bits of the game defined, by the Ruby version it had ships and missions and such, and by the Django version there are actual bits of the universe to go and attack (though you can’t actually attack them yet).

Updates on how its going appear on its own weblog every so often, and between that, LARP, Soulbook and Languagelab, that’s what I’m doing with my time.

  1. Major kudos for making progress. I tend to just end up with lots of text files with specifications, and rules, and html docs, and example data files or tables, and the odd snippet of code, and perhaps even a plan with achievable goals that each constitutes a noticeable step forward, but no coherent whole or actual progress.

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