Old Blood
I tripped and wrote an RPG. It’s not a big one, two A4 pages printed out, and it’s…
In Which A Masks: A New Generation Game Optimistically Labelled A One-Shot Is Created And Run
During Lockdown I’ve been doing a lot more RPGs and GMing than before, most recently, I ran a…
Campaign Notes
But in-character justification for being off-brief is very much the "Bob doesn't have to do P.E today because he is ill. Signed Bob's Mum" of roleplaying design.
The Auspicious Cycle: Part 2: The Leyton Buzzard
In our previous instalment, the party (and me) had gone through the Unknown Armies universe generation process, and…
Auspicious Cycle Part 1: Starting A New Game
One of the reasons for the slowdown in blogging stuff has been the number of things I’m doing…
Week Ten – Once Is Chance, Twice is Coincidence, Third Time Is A Pattern
Work First weeks at work are generally a bit chaotic, new accounts, new processes, new people. This combined…
Every so often, it occurs to me that Dungeons and Dragons models an extremely schizophrenic variant of competence.…
Wizards of the Coast were really mean to Neverwinter when they released fourth edition. We’re talking full Sigil level,…
The point I stopped playing Dragon Age
This post contains spoilers for Dragon Age. Do not read on if you do not want to read…
Misquotes from a D&D Session
“You’re supposed to use Vicious Mockery on the enemy” “I run up to the guy and I hit…