Dark Light

“Good morning”

“Ah. Good morning, Fiscal responsibility. I was wondering if you’d be visiting me”.

“May I ask you a question in its simple, most basic form?”

“You may”.

“What in the name of currency is that?”

“It is a box. I can tell by some of the cardboard, and having seen a number of boxes in my time”.

“And this box, as you mention, this box with the cardboard that you recognise. Is it an expensive box?”

“Hmm. Not really, angel. I could imagine that some of the colour printing on the side isn’t cheap, but generally I would not expect this box to break the bank. of course, to a small creature, this could be some kind of home, and therefore the value of it could be as of all things. It’s kind of perspective dependant, oh angel of prudence.”

“We need new glasses. You remember the new glasses thing, yes?”

“The way we don’t want glasses that are slowly sandpapering the side of our head? I am well aware of that.”

“And we were not spending our money because we haven’t had a full month’s pay since we got made redundant, yes?”

“Alas, this is also true. woe betide the winds of fate that led us here.”

“And we paid back several due debts this month, and need to pay off credit cards. yes?”

“Your words contain the ring of truth with such a pure and just tone that full choirs of cherubim and seraphim flock to your every word”.

“So why is there a large box saying ‘ROCK BAND’ in the hallway?”


“You may well say ‘Ah’, coder-boy.”

“They were on special offer?”


“Well… We were playing Guitar Hero, and it was great and everything, but the Wii version of GH3 doesn’t do downloadables, which is a bit crap, and Fyr likes playing the drums and it has a microphone and you can sing at it and its higherresandIdon’tusethe360enoughandandand…”


“And I can’t buy an iPad yet.”

“So you bought an entire Rock Band kit. Which is a four foot long by foot square box of plastic instruments.”

“I tripped.”


“Tripped. Fell on my keyboard. Accidentally searched eBay, ordered the item, typed in my paypal password, waited for them to send me the SMS key for the transaction, typed that in, reentered my credit card details, confirmed it and the newer address, then finally confirmed the entire transaction.”


“I am quite productively accident prone.”

“And now?”

“and now I know the truth in it’s purest form.”

“which is?”

“That I still suck at drums in Rock Band.”

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