Dark Light

Lets go wandering…

Starting with part of Aquarionics’ description tags, we get Home Made Trebuchets, and from there to Hangover Cures and from there onto rusting keys and via GlassDog to a nice Domain Searching toy to Pseudogeek.com (I Am Not A Geek) which aims to be a comprehensive guide to all bands ever. It currently contains Status Quo and Jamiroquai, so it’s off to a good start…

But it also links to a band called Amor, which in turn wanders to The Davey Brothers, a site with far more enthusiasm than nice design (AND LOTS AND LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS SO YOU DON’T GET CONFUSED)

The original aim was to take this back round into blogland, do loads of stuff about other people’s blogs, and then circle back around to Aquarionics by any means possible, but I got distracted about fifteen sites back (although it’s only seven links in the final draft) and I’m still reading the archives of Lance Arthur’s weblog at GlassDog which stopped last year, because it’s good, and wellwritten. It also makes quite a few points as to why Aquarionics is going more weblog than diary, although I doubt I’ll eradicate the diary completely.

Oh, something because people have asked. To just get the diary (ie, About Aquarion) bits, add “?filter=Aquarionics” to the URL. That’s http://www.aquarionics.com?filter=Aquarionics, or just click on any single diary entry and bookmark the URL. Same – but for “weblog” instead of “Aquarionics” – for the pure weblog. There will at some point be a save-settings-type interface. There isn’t yet.

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