Updated JavaIRC section with the LSpace channel, now I have…

CCDE, The Clarecraft Discworld Event 2000, and I, me, Nicholas…

Last year for my Theatre Studies exam, I performed with Barry…

Dark Light

Updated JavaIRC section with the LSpace channel, now I have permission to do so, Put it on the sidebar, and updateded “This week I have been mostly…”

Tomorrow I head out into the wild blue yonder to see the Recruiting Officer, the play from which I performed a duologue for my A-Level Theatre Studies (The only exam for TS I passed was performing 🙂

The person I performed it with, Barry, who I have mentioned before would be coming, except he doublebooked, which is a shame. But we both already know the play anyway 🙂

“What? Arms across? Worthy? Come I must expell this….

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