Dark Light

It’s been brought to my attention that people may not be aware that I no longer work in London.

I no longer work in London, at a place just outside Kings Cross.

I no longer have a 90% chance of being in a train, just before 9am today, that was around the Kings Cross area.

I have never been so glad of that fact than I was today. Everyone I know of in London has been accounted for as safe, for which I am grateful. I remember the days of the IRA bombings, when each bombing meant a fear that something near my dad’s office had happened.

Today is a bad day to be in London. Today is a good day to do exactly what you were going to do anyway. Sit back, enjoy where you are, who you’re with, what you’re doing. Living, if nothing else. Many people today aren’t.

This is not a cause to unite under. We don’t need another one. This is a cause to ignore. We couldn’t have stopped this without losing too much. I can say this from my happy glass house of not having anything terrible happen to someone I know over today’s tragedy – You’d be amazed how many people turn into rabid right-wing reactionaries in the aftermath of a crisis – but terror was their intent. Here they won’t get the people, after the IRA and such we don’t respond well to threats of violence, I’m just hoping out glorious leaders don’t do anything stupid right now.

Oh, and Tony Blair got the reaction right. It’s mildly unfair to critise the man on everything he does wrong without occasionally noting that he isn’t a complete muppet.

Talking of which, tonight I intend to get LoneCat to watch Smiletime.

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