The long hair looks good on you. I remember that coat from Random’s birthday party a few years back too 🙂 Loading... Reply
RandomBrewDogged Determination: The 2012 Brewdog AGM & Birthday The event can be divided into four bits without much difficulty, those being the AGM, the Bars, the… aquarion2012-04-29
RandomNaGeUpMo Hello November. November is a time of the leaves drifting from the trees; of the colours of autumn… aquarion2009-11-03
RandomLet it snow Let it snow Originally uploaded by Aquarion Since there’s no place to go. aquarion2009-12-21
Notably blue as always.
The long hair looks good on you.
I remember that coat from Random’s birthday party a few years back too 🙂
Hey look, it’s a gay pirate! 🙂
lookin’ good 😉