Dark Light

So, this is how my mail works:

  • Mail going to things at aquarionics go to Sneaky
  • Mail going to things at gkhs go to Jar
  • Other mail goes to POP accounts
  • All mail is pulled from POP/Sneaky/Jar to Atoll, my home server
  • I read mail over IMAP with Mail.app, Thunderbird, or Roundcube, depending on where I am.

    So, on Friday, DNS on Sneaky goes away, meaning mail can’t get to it for a while. Mail begins to build up.

    Saturday, Jar’s mail goes bye-bye for a little while too, but just my ability to collect it.

    Sunday, Atoll runs out of disk space on /

    By Sunday afternoon, all this is fixed. I’ve deleted excess stuff on Atoll, pol’s got DNS back for Sneaky, ccooke has put Jar’s door open again.

    I’m still not getting mail.

    Seems odd, Retchmail is still supposed to run on the half hour… Spamassassin isn’t admitting to junking it all… Nothing in syslog…

    …nothing at all in syslog…

    Todays lesson in Linux Admin. If you run out of space on /var, Syslog and Cron will shut down, as will anything that can’t live without syslog.

    So I restarted syslog, cron, and everything else that had died without my permission.

    Emails. Fassands of them.


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