This is one of the reasons I like playing City Of Heroes.
Crypic, who make CoH, recently announced that Blasters (Cyclops is a blaster, so is Raynebow) were going to get a new ability called “Desperation” where the amount of damage they do is inversely proportional to their health. Thus a dying Cyclops can do one huge, massive power blast that knocks Dr Robotnik over the skyline of Gotham City, or whatever.
Blasters are squishy enough already, having something called “Desperation” as one of our gameplay benefits isn’t something that makes us, as heroes, feel heroic. Players said this, at much length, on the forums. Today:
CuppaJo (CoH Online Community Rep)
The name has been changed to Defiance.
This point will now be brought up repeatedly until the end of time when someone says “the devs never listen to our feedback.” Just sayin.
See? Response, correction and humour. Still not sure about the idea (Blasters don’t have great defence – part of the archtype design – and this gives moronic blasters an incentive to stay unhealed and risk more death. We’ll see how it works when it makes it to the Test Server)
(I am Raynebow, Spiralling Shape, Darker Thoughts, Pixlin, Firenice and Foad (Global: @Raynebow) on the Virtue US CoH server) Talk to me if you want to team).