Dark Light

So, having prevaricated, and perambulated the perimeter of the proverbial privet for long enough I have finally knuckled under and Switched.

Well, not Switched. I play too much City of Heroes, Far too much Boiling Point and Guild Wars to actually abandon my PC entirely – even if it is now almost 100% linux based (Damn Sims 2 and Guild-Wars) – but I have placed my holidays and future into hock to own a sliver of shiny doom.

The picture below this entry is Mirage.water.gkhs.net. It is my PowerBook. It rocks.

That is, literally, it rocks. The AMS means I can tip it from side to side and a window stays still. The world needs more cool functionality like this.

It bounces. That is, it fell of the desk, and is still fine. I, however, was slightly more damaged. Nearly had a fucking heart attack.

It Just Works. I turned it on, and it just worked. I drag applications into Applications, and they Just Install. I double-click on a .sit compressed file, and it launches Microsoft Word. Okay, it isn’t perfect.

I lock myself into an eternity of terror and evil by buying things from the iTunes Music Store. I then burn the tracks to CD with iTunes and then rip them to ogg with abcde on Linux. DRM? Where?

And it Works. There was no fucking around with drivers, no spending hours looking for the stupid bloody error message that meant I couldn’t log into the wireless network. Sure, it’s a honeymoon period, but it’s a pleasantly soft focus one.

It’s bigger than I thought it would be. I mean, it’s 15”, yes, because that’s what I ordered, but somehow I wasn’t expecting it to be this wide. Actually it means it doesn’t fit in my messanger bag, which is annoying.

But I got to watch CSI on the bus home. And I have a Powerbook, ffs.

I have joined the shiny light side, and I’m pretty happy with it, so far.

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