Dark Light

Nomical Text Interface 0.2(b)
Who Are You?
USERNAME> aquarion
By what do I know you?
AUTH> (key accepted)

Hi aquarion, Haven’t seen you since Friday. How can I help?

nomical$ check mail on sneaky
Talking to sneaky…
sneaky admits our existance…
...and lets us in. Yay.

You have 1000 new pieces of mail, 30 older pieces, and I’ve automatically filtered zero pieces.

nomical/sneaky$ delete new mail where subject contains ”{Spam?}”
You have 150 new pieces of mail
nomical/sneaky$ delete new mail where subject contains regex(”[gentoo.*]”) or subject contains regex(”[Full-Disclosure]”)
You have 3 pieces of new mail
nomical/sneaky$ list new mail
From: marnie hill (N:NIL)
Subject: Fwd: All Meds Stocked. V1co/din – v1agr@ ` X@NAx ) .Valium. Pnte:r:min ~ Som:a: jtacmdbzdxyg

From: viruses@geekstuff.tv (N:Geekstuff Admin/Virus Checker)
Subject: VIRUS (W32/Swen.A@mm) IN MAIL TO YOU (from )
RDate: 18 March 2004 12:12

From: viruses@geekstuff.tv (N:Geekstuff Admin/Virus Checker)
Subject: VIRUS (W32/Swen.A@mm) IN MAIL TO YOU (from )
RDate: 18 March 2004 12:12

nomical/sneaky$ delete new mail
What, all of it? (Y/N/TBF)> Yes
If you’re sure…
3 bits of mail deleted

(New mail has happened)

nomical/sneaky$ list new mail (list: subjects)

Subject: {Spam?}Hot New Samsung Phone at NO Cost
Subject: {Spam?}Fw: cial.is is supr vigra translate
Subject: {Spam?}Our newsletter made investors over 900% return last week! vcxyv

nomical/sneaky$ sigh

I hear you.

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