Dark Light

So, I went to the meet that Anna proposed. It started off as these things did last time, sitting at a table with a beer wondering which of these odd groups of people were also bloggers. Except this time LondonMark and me we doing it from the same table, since he recognised the glasses and I almost recognised him (The new beard would have thrown me). Eventually Vaughan arrived, and since everyone recognised him the meet was joined.

Acerbia Dave and co – including Pete & Karen (We’re currently waiting for Petebel.nu, the weblog. Yes, they are that cute) also wandered in.

There were discussions on blogs, computers, phones, cameras, and lots of other stuff. There was a pork-pie eating race, custard tarts from heaven and sitting on blankets under a tree in the rain. There was alcohol and talk – though no existance – of tea.

It was fun, and should be done again, probably without the three month gap next time.

Photos will arrive tomorrowish.

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