Stuff I’m Working On:
- Epistula
- Well, yeah, it’s a sort of constant. Next comes the Attachments system, followed by the Gallery. Most of the smaller hacks (like <Link> et. al.) will wait until I need a quick hacking task to get out of doing the washing up. Life’s like that :). In the meantime, I have to import the remainder of the writings, code up the review system (A larger task than Articles, Writings and Journals because they require a different input interface) and also the comments admin interface, the item editing interface, the user system (and events interface) and lots of stuff like that. Funtastic).
Also, I wish textile was open source, so I could steal it. As it is, I might make do with the Scoop text htmlification system, which I’d have to convert to PHP (or a PHP module) from perl. Damnit.
- Nomical
- I know how it works, I have it adding people, Now it’s just a SMOP.
- FreeEver
- An open source version of Forever that isn’t tied to the old Klind user system.
- Forever
- Restricted section should work, really, and it should support multiple stories. Plus, the moderation system needs implementing.
- Afphrid
- Needs cliques adding again, probably. I’m still working on this one, Cliques made life complicated for me before because of people moaning that the cliques were being cliquy. Argle. Also, I need an interface to the anti-stalker system.
- Aquantancies
- A web-based RSS aggregator that works roughly like LiveJournal’s Friends List, with the benifit of being free. For this, I’m learning Python (using Dive Into Python), because then I can use Mark‘s Ultra-Liberal RSS Reader for the back end.
- Something that isn’t code. Not quite sure what it is yet, could be a website, might finally be the novel, could be another deep, dark hole. Involves clowns.
But right now it’s snowing. Snowing. Yay 🙂