Dark Light

I Used To Believe (via The Antigeek) is a website dedicated to things children used to believe, but know better now. It’s interesting to know that some of the odd things I believed when I was five are the same as other people did…

I used to believe that the world would end in 1970. I just couldn’t imagine the year being anything other than 1960-something (the something corresponding to my age…). Even when I warmed up to the possibility that we might survive the decade (which I allowed only after someone convinced me that I really had been born in 1959 instead of 1960), 2000 gave me the creeps; but I figured by then I’d be an old, old, guy approaching 40, doing nothing with my time except lying about on the sofa like my granddad always did maybe watching TV because that’s all old guys did, and it wouldn’t matter anymore…

Oh, and anyone who hasn’t experienced Acts of Gord should do so. Now

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