Sorry about the absence of stuff yesterday, I was sitting in a…

Got up, went to Uni, went to Lectures, Learnt stuff, Surfed…

Never assume your on top of your life. Just discovered that…

Dark Light

Sorry about the absence of stuff yesterday, I was sitting in a hall registering people for the Sci-Fi Club for 7 hours


Still un-flatted, I am Still camping on the sofa in Mowbury House, paying my way by doing the washing up occasionally. My mobile is fixed, however, and so I am back in communication with The Wide World. and can feel free to moan at my landlord to get a bloody move on.

I’ve screwed this up incredibly badly. Havn’t I?

In other news, my loan also hasn’t come though. Phone calls (at 35p+/min on my mobile, *shudder*) must now be made.

But I’m back in the swing of University. Going to lectures, reading books, surfing websites, being addicted to Everything2.

Which is nice.

My life is a mess.

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