Life is getting interesting. Or not. as the case may be. As…

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Dark Light

Life is getting interesting.

Or not. as the case may be.

As mentioned below, it looks as though I am heading back to Sunderland Uni for another year. This is a problem, mainly because I have no place to live in Sunderland. Money, as always, is going to be a danger. The aim of the exercise in this case is to get as much as I can off the state and dip as lightly into my emergancy savings as I can. This means I need a job, which in turn means I have to find somewhere who will employ me for two weeks of August, let me have two weeks holiday, and then employ me for another two weeks ’til Uni. Doesn’t seem likly, really, so I am staying with designing the websites.

Meanwhile, I can sit here playing with the latest technoloy. If you look at the end of this post, there are three icons instead of the usual two, The one on the right is Linkme, which is a hard link to this entry, middle is Mailme, to send mail to me, and the left-hand speech-bubble is a brand new feature. Basically, it will take you to a Real Audio streaming media clip of me reading this entry. You will need Realplayer installed (and there are now versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux, so I don’t feel guilty) which you can get by clicking the relivant icon on the left, and you will hear me in full mono sound πŸ™‚

Ok, the quality is poor, the file sizes are about 100k each, which, even from the crapness that is the Aquarionics server, should stream fairly well. The only problem comes if I get 2000 people trying to access it at once. And that, my friends, is unlikly.

Why do I do this? Because I trained though school as a drama person, and I like to practice. More stuff soon, but I will leave you with good ole W.S, Jaques “Ages of man” speech from As You Like It:

“All the world is a stage,
and the men and women merely players,
each as their enterances and exits
and one man in his time plays many parts…”

(My FTP Server was dead as I tryed to upload this, so the image isn’t up, so to get the streaming you will have to click here, and if didn’t work, my FTP server is still dead πŸ™‚ Oh yes, and I didn’t remember that I already had a speech bubble as an icon, so it became a speaker πŸ™‚

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