Right, more stuff.
I have created an IRC chat channel for Webloggers and Readers. The settings are as follows:
Server: Irc.Esper.net Channel: Bloggers
This is how it works, In mIRC or any IRC program, set up nicknames and everything, connect to the internet, and then type:
/server irc.esper.net
Then wait for it to finish connecting.
If you get a message saying:
This nickname is protected by Nickserv, type /msg nickserv identify Password to continue
Then you have chosen a nickname that is registered. Type /nick (your-new-nickname) to change it.
Finally type
/join #Bloggers
If I’m online (most evenings GMT and some weekdays) look for Aquarion.
If you can’t be bothered with all that click the link below for a Java Applet that connects you to the Blogger channel (It may say “Tell your webmaster to register this” and I will, soon. Promise 🙂